Purchasing of cutting rights

If you want to earn income from the forest without selling the property, it is worth considering the sale of the cutting right. Contact us and we will identify specific opportunities for cooperation.


Where to begin?

First of all, you need to review the forest management plan for your property and make sure that the data corresponds to what is visible in nature. If the data is valid, one can proceed with the sale of the cutting right. If the forest management plan has expired or does not exist, we will help you prepare a new plan. More information on updating the forest management plan can be found here.

Once we have agreed on the price for the cutting right, we will enter into a contract, in which the area to be cut (stand compartment), the type of cutting, the start and end of the work, the price, the procedure for payment, and other conditions are fixed. We will also assist you in filling in the forest notification and preparing the cutting scheme.


Please note!

The sale of the cutting right allows the forest owner to keep the property, but this entails a number of obligations.

– The maintenance and renewal of the forest remains the responsibility of the owner of the forest land.
– Income tax must be paid on the sale of the cutting right.


NB! The seller is exempt from income tax on the sale of forest returned during the land reform. Also check out our forest land purchase solution – it may be more profitable for you.

If you need advice, call us at +372 520 6501. Contact us!

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